Thursday, March 10, 2011


We keep getting hints that spring is here, and then it gets cold again. This week the days have been mostly sunny, with temperatures in the 50's and 60's. We had one night of rain, maybe got an inch. But we are way below the average and the county is under a burn ban. That wasn't good for Trout Derby because fisherman couldn't cook their catch, so most of them took their fish home. It was a good Derby, overall. We had over 200 registrants, and the biggest fish caught was over 3 lbs. One fisherman gave us two trout and Andy cooked them on the grill, on foil, and they really were delicious. The new manager of the General Store at the lake cooked hotdogs and sold them, which was really appreciated by all, even the chamber and Friends of Roman Nose volunteers.
Now that Trout Derby is over, we at the Chamber are getting ready for the Mountain Bike race that will be held at Roman Nose State Park. It looks like it will be a big event this year. I continue to research and learn a lot about Oklahoma, the Indian culture, the history of this area and even some geology (which I am totally NOT interested in, but need to know for my presentations). I continue to get familiar with the park itself.

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