Tuesday, July 13, 2010


From the first of July until last night, we've had several rain storms that have really refreshed and replenished the yard and gardens. Andy and I have enjoyed sitting on the front porch and watching the rain fall through the trees. Water comes out of one of the gutters and falls like a fountain on some rocks below that corner of the house. As we watched last night, we both came up with ideas of how to place a small water feature at that corner of the house that would catch the water and be used as a bird bath in addition to a kinetic water feature.

Andy is finishing up on installing a wheelchair ramp for access to the New Mexico bedroom.

The grasshoppers this year are voracious. They eat everything down to the nub, and I'm really tired of it. They have nearly destroyed one of our wysteria, several basil plants, hardy hibiscus, and okra. They don't seem to get on the thai basil or cucumber vines. I won't say what I'm doing to get rid of them, but it's somewhat organic. The only trouble with using organic is that I have to reapply about every other day.

Since I've been "well", I've really enjoyed working out in the yard. I got so far behind in raking up leaves and pulling crabgrass while I was incapacitated this past spring. I think just about the time I get the garden beds cleaned out, it will be fall again and the leaves will start falling again. Oh well.

I had a visit from two good friends earlier this month. Jana works in a flower show/garden center and gave me lots of ideas -- too many to implement right a way but lots of wish lists! Sandi seemed to enjoying walking around and see all that was blooming. I have some "manicured" areas and some wild areas on the property. It rained most of the weekend they were here, but we did get some pleasant time to be outside. We drank coffee on the front porch and enjoyed the breeze and the singing birds.