Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Last weekend we had about 7 inches of snow. It started on Friday afternoon. The forecast for was "blizzard conditions", and indeed the snow was blowing hard. By morning we had a winter wonderland and it continued to snow half of Saturday. Then it warmed up and began to melt. By Sunday it was half gone, and by Monday, with 70 degree temperatures, the snow was completely gone and the fields began greening up. We desperately needed the moisture. The current conditions mean the morrel mushrooms should start shooting up! But today it was 32 degrees in the morning and will be chilly all day. So we're looking for the next warm day to go out and hunt the mushrooms.

Andy's progress on the remodeling has been delayed -- he has been hired to work as a census worker and they are already starting their canvasing. He spent an entire week in training, and this week he will be out in the field gathering information. The pay is decent though. We are still hoping to have the second bedroom ready in April, but it may be nearer the end of the month at this point. Actually, that will be perfect timing weatherwise. The gardens are sprouting, and I even saw a bluebonnet blooming in my garden just before this past cold front came through. Now that we've had some moisture, I'm sure everything will pop.

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