Friday, April 9, 2021

Life in the Country

 The shroud of winter 2020-2021 has been lifted and I survived. There is so much cleaning work to be done, both indoors and outside.  Andy has been busy moving fallen trees and branches and cutting them up or burning the dead wood.  Drew and Jenna have set out seeds for the vegetable garden and made up a map of the space for complementary planting.  I've prepared a bed for potatoes and gotten  them into the ground, and have also planted some parsley and some lettuces. 

Sadie and Martha both love to run through the woods, and Sadie has to go outside whenever Andy or I are outdoors. This week she has caught two baby rabbits, and today she came out of the woods carrying a larger one, maybe a young adult. I watched her eat the first bunny, and the second one she left for the cats - or maybe she was chased off from the kill by one of the cats. I think she ran off with the young adult and hid it in the woods after the cats approached her on the patio. When Sadie came back to the patio, she was dripping wet:  she had jumped into the pond to cool down. The pond is her private swimming pool, and she loves to swim across it. Between her dashing through the woods and refusing to come to me when I call her, it is very hard to get a photo of her playing outside.

We (the kids) have eight sheep now and are ready to thin the herd; Drew will try to sell three or four before having to go the alternate route. The chickens are producing plenty of eggs and we can hear the rooster crow when we are walking to the garden or along trails in the woods. 

I am regularly asked "have the kids finished their house" and the answer is "No". But they intend to and will use it as a studio instead of their primary living space. Drew's time has been 100% consumed by school since he started back to finish his degree.  He will graduate in May and is already sending out resumes for a teaching job. 

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