Sunday, June 16, 2013

6/16/2013 Father's Day

Last weekend Andy went to Tulsa to visit his dad and take him to an Army reunion.  This weekend we are taking it easy at home.  Blake went to church with us this morning and the UMW made a very nice breakfast in honor of all of the fathers.  It was also the first weekend for our new preacher, Steve, to preside over the Sunday service.  Lots of volunteers from the congregation have been working hard on the parsonage home to get it ready for the new minister and his wife to move in.  There is still more work to be done this week, but it should be ready by Friday for them to move in.  Steve preached this Sunday (today) and he and his wife should be able to move in completely this coming week.  We miss Larry and Kelly but are confident in the District's choice of Steve and his wife B.J. as our new minister and wife. 

Andy has been working hard on the parsonage to get it ready for the new minister, so no work has been don on the oven.  BUT, this week he will be able to install the cooking dome.  I am excited!

This week should also be decent temperatures to work outside in.  Last week was hellish (not compared to Dallas!!), with temperatures in the high 90's all week.  The grasshoppers have  reappeared, but not to the extent they invaded last summer. Today I sprayed a bug killer that is supposed to keep them at bay, but it has to be sprayed every seven days or after a rain.  I'm not giving up on the garden yet!  Lots of things have been blooming and the yard and grounds are beautiful after Andy and his helper Travis have worked for two weeks on clearing dead brush and tree limbs.  The daylilies have just started to bloom, along with the creeping sedum and tickseed coreopsis.  I also have some Mexican hat coming up in two places and hope they reseed themselves.  They are a wildflower, so who knows what they will do.  I have not been successful in getting gallardia (Indian blanket, the state wildflower of Oklahoma) to come up, but I'm not giving up on that yet.  The natives are coming up all along the roads right now.  I have transplanted quite a bit of blue spiderwort (native to Oklahoma) and will have a good showing of blue flowers throughout this summer and next spring. 

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