Tuesday, December 29, 2009

DEC. 28

We had a very white Christmas at the Retreat. It began snowing and blowing on Christmas Eve and continued all night and day. There were blizzard conditions in Oklahoma City, with a total of 14 inches of snow, but we only had about 4-6 inches. Fortunately, Blake had arrived on the Sunday before, and Drew arrived on Monday evening. Andy picked up his dad in OKC on the Wednesday before the snow came in, so we were all snuggly warm in the house during the storm. We had a fire going in the fireplace and Christmas music on the satellite TV.

We spent Thursday cooking tamales and had both chicken in green chile tamales and the traditional pork in red chili sauce, along with fideo. We had invited several friends to join us for an early dinner, but got calls instead saying the weather was too harsh to get out -- and it was! Even the Christmas eve service at the church was canceled!

For Christmas dinner, Andy made a rib roast with horshradish sauce. We also had traditional side dishes, and creme brulee for dessert.


The Lonesome Okie said...

No fair describing all that wonderful food without posting PICTURES!

L.Barrett said...

I leave the picture posting to Andy! Anyway, photos of the food wouldn't do it justice. We'll just have to make more tamales later in the year when the weather is okay for people to come over. Thanks for reading our blog! /linda