Friday, July 26, 2013

The Oven is now being "seasoned" -- Andy has to build a fire in the oven for six days, starting with a small fire and each day increasing the size of the fire. 

Yesterday afternoon we walked down the trail to the "back forty" and cleared away dead limbs and suckers that had overgrown onto the path.  There was a nice breeze under the canopy of trees.  Then, last night, we got about two inches of rain!  Andy mowed the lawn yesterday, just in time for the moisture.  The property is looking pretty good.  We sat on the front porch and looked out over the canvas and decided what trees need more trimming and where I should plant more color for this time of year.  The crepe myrtle are blooming, along with the summer phlox, coreopsis, and turk's cap.  This weekend we will have family visiting and we hope to get to sit outside on the patio and enjoy some "cooler" weather -- in the 80's! 

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