Thursday, March 8, 2012


We've had rain and rain and rain, and today is HOT (80's), which means mushrooms should pop up. Tomorrow will be mushroom-hunting day. Also tomorrow, a trip to OKC to buy some garden shrubs and seeds. I've planted carrots, broccalli, spinach, lettuce, parsley, snow peas, and cilantro and look for some of them to start sprouting any day now. After the rain this week, everything is blooming. Redbuds are popping purple, phlox is blooming a light lavender, both the wild and variegated vinca are blooming. The daffodils and jonquils and narcissus have pretty much played out, but a few I planted late look like they may yet flower. Purple columbine is ready to bloom. Golden mouse-ear coreopsis is just starting to flower and will give a nice contrast to all the pink-purple in the yard (including henbit--I know it's a weed but it flowers so pretty that I leave it until it plays out a little and other blooming plants take its place. In Texas, we called a weed that flowers a "wildflower"--that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Last weekend I weeded one small flower bed and raked leaves (a never ending job), and transplanted some ground cover on Coot's side of the lane. On St. Patrick's day, drank green wine with Brad (who is such a purist, I was surprised he let me color his honey apple wine green!--what a good sport he is). I may post a photo on facebook.

I gave blood for a good cause earlier this week and it really left me weak for a few days. I hope I am ready for a weekend of work in the yard by tomorrow. Sadly, I may not be able to donate blood again if that is how it is going to affect me, as I was a little fearful of how I felt.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Trout Derby at Roman Nose State Park this weekend. we're eating fresh rainbow trout for dinner. Thanks to the fisherman who caught the fish and gave it to me!
Thanks also to all who manned the registration desk, Patrick, Mary, Denise, Bobby Jo, and our weighmaster, Jerry. I know I'm forgetting someone but I'll catch up tomorrow after the Derby is over. The weather cooperated today but tomorrow will be even better, warmer. Skeeter enjoyed a walk in the park and I made some new friends. It was a good day and a nice end to a very weird week!